Taylor Swift - Reputation

Cover Taylor Swift - Reputation
Big Machine BMRCO0600A / 00843930033102
Cover Taylor Swift - Reputation
CD Special Edition Volume I
Big Machine BMRCO0600B / 00843930033119
Cover Taylor Swift - Reputation
CD Special Edition Volume 2
Big Machine BMRCO0600C / 00843930033126
Cover Taylor Swift - Reputation
Big Machine BMRCO0600A / 00843930033102
Cover Taylor Swift - Reputation
Big Machine BMRC00600F


Persoonlijke hitparade:Aan persoonlijke hitparade toevoegen


Binnenkomst:18/11/2017 (Positie 1)
Laatste week notering:01/02/2025 (Positie 89)
Piekpositie:1 (1 week)
Aantal weken:156
Positie aller tijden:132 (7196 Punten)
Combialbum:18/11/2017 / Piek: 1 / Weken: 24
Vinyl 33:23/12/2017 / Piek: 10 / Weken: 9
In de landen:
ch  Piek: 1 / Weken: 110
de  Piek: 2 / Weken: 142
at  Piek: 1 / Weken: 132
fr  Piek: 16 / Weken: 22
nl  Piek: 1 / Weken: 156
be  Piek: 1 / Weken: 273 (V)
  Piek: 9 / Weken: 115 (W)
se  Piek: 2 / Weken: 32
fi  Piek: 5 / Weken: 30
no  Piek: 1 / Weken: 41
dk  Piek: 3 / Weken: 10
it  Piek: 3 / Weken: 26
es  Piek: 3 / Weken: 58
pt  Piek: 1 / Weken: 72
au  Piek: 1 / Weken: 240
nz  Piek: 1 / Weken: 70


CD Big Machine BMRCO0600A / 00843930033102 (UMG) / EAN 0843930033102
Digital Big Machine 843930033133 (UMG) / EAN 0843930033133
Toon detailsAlles beluisteren
1....Ready For It?
2.End Game
3.I Did Something Bad
4.Don't Blame Me
6.Look What You Made Me Do
7.So It Goes...
9.Getaway Car
10.King Of My Heart
11.Dancing With Our Hands Tied
13.This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
14.Call It What You Want
15.New Year's Day
Special Edition Volume I - CD Big Machine BMRCO0600B / 00843930033119 (UMG) / EAN 0843930033119
Toon detailsAlles beluisteren
1....Ready For It?
2.End Game
3.I Did Something Bad
4.Don't Blame Me
6.Look What You Made Me Do
7.So It Goes...
9.Getaway Car
10.King Of My Heart
11.Dancing With Our Hands Tied
13.This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
14.Call It What You Want
15.New Year's Day
Incl. Magazine.
Special Edition Volume 2 - CD Big Machine BMRCO0600C / 00843930033126 (UMG) / EAN 0843930033126
Toon detailsAlles beluisteren
1....Ready For It?
2.End Game
3.I Did Something Bad
4.Don't Blame Me
6.Look What You Made Me Do
7.So It Goes...
9.Getaway Car
10.King Of My Heart
11.Dancing With Our Hands Tied
13.This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
14.Call It What You Want
15.New Year's Day
Incl. Magazine.
Picture Disc - LP Big Machine BMRC00600F / EAN 0843930033157
Toon detailsAlles beluisteren
LP 1:
1....Ready For It?
2.End Game
3.I Did Something Bad
4.Don't Blame Me
6.Look What You Made Me Do
7.So It Goes...
LP 2:
1.Getaway Car
2.King Of My Heart
3.Dancing With Our Hands Tied
5.This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
7.New Year's Day
8.Call It What You Want

Taylor Swift   Discografie / Fan worden

Singles - Dutch Charts
Love Story28/02/20091312
You Belong With Me07/11/2009686
Half Of My Heart (John Mayer feat. Taylor Swift)12/06/20104019
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together25/08/20122418
I Knew You Were Trouble12/01/20132718
Shake It Off30/08/2014711
I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker) (Zayn & Taylor Swift)24/12/2016622
Look What You Made Me Do02/09/20171310
...Ready For It?09/09/2017762
Me! (Taylor Swift feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco)04/05/20192110
You Need To Calm Down22/06/2019289
The Man31/08/2019622
Lover (Remix) (Taylor Swift feat. Shawn Mendes)23/11/2019951
Exile (Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver)01/08/2020841
The 101/08/2020991
Wildest Dreams25/09/2021693
All Too Well20/11/2021395
The Joker And The Queen (Ed Sheeran feat. Taylor Swift)26/02/2022784
Lavender Haze29/10/2022223
Snow On The Beach (Taylor Swift feat. Lana Del Rey)29/10/2022253
All Of The Girls You Loved Before01/04/2023901
Cruel Summer01/07/20231147
I Can See You15/07/2023871
Karma (Taylor Swift feat. Ice Spice)22/07/2023608
Is It Over Now? (Taylor's Version)04/11/2023234
Now That We Don't Talk04/11/2023352
Fortnight (Taylor Swift feat. Post Malone)27/04/2024813
So Long, London27/04/2024341
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart27/04/2024353
Down Bad04/05/2024881
Albums - Dutch Charts
Speak Now06/11/2010177
Fearless (Taylor's Version)17/04/2021210
Red (Taylor's Version)20/11/2021380
Folklore - The Long Pond Studio Sessions29/04/202331
Speak Now (Taylor's Version)15/07/2023134
1989 (Taylor's Version)04/11/2023149
The Tortured Poets Department27/04/2024143


Puntengemiddelde: 4Taylor Swift - Reputation (Reviews: 28)

Alleen de Nederlands- en Engelstalige reviews worden getoond: Alle talen tonen

'Look What You Made Me Do': 6*
'...Ready For It': 5*
'Gorgeous': 5*
'Call It What You Want': 4,5*
'New Years Day': 4*
'I Did Something Bad': 5,5*
'Delicate': 5*
'End Game': 5*
'This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things': 5,25*
'Getaway Car': 5,25*
'Dancing With Our Hands Tied': 5,25*
'Dress': 4,5*
'Dont Blame Me': 4,25*
'So It Goes...': 4*
'King Of My Heart': 4,25*

Erg goed album van Taylor Swift, 5 sterren!
Laatst gewijzigd: 18/03/2018 14:14

Great album. It is so much better than I even expected.

My only problem with this release was the choices in singles released. I did something bad, Don’t Blame me & Getaway car should of all got full promotion and music videos... they along with Delicate are the standout songs from Reputation.
Laatst gewijzigd: 27/02/2020 17:30

Da ist es nun endlich. Das von Fans langersehnte, überhypte neue Studioalbum von Taylor Swift.
Itunes brachte es gestern zum kurzzeitigen Einsturz, da zu viele auf einmal das Album kaufen wollten. Dementsprechend wird es sich in den Charts auch deutlich machen. In Amerika kommt es sowieso auf die 1, sowie in Kanada, Australien und Neuseeland wohl auch. Wahrscheinlich auch in vielen europäischen Ländern, vielleicht sogar in Deutschland... aber hält der Erfolg auch das was er verspricht?
Zum einen sei mal gesagt: "1989" war ein erstklassiges Popalbum mit vielen, wunderbaren Songs, die sich alle zu Hits mauserten und bei dem ich den Hype auch durchaus nachvollziehen konnte, weil es wirklich ein kleines Pop Meistwerk ist. Sehe ja nicht nur ich so, sondern auch viele andere. Danach ein neues Album raus zu bringen ist schwierig. Es kann entweder nur noch besser werden oder schlechter.
Bei "Reputation" ist für mich zweiteres der Fall. Im Vergleich zu "1989" verliert "Reputation" deutlich, aber ich will jetzt auch gar nicht diee beiden Alben miteinander vergleichen, sondern einfach nur das neue beurteilen.
Aber auch da überzeugt es nicht auf voller Länge.
Ja, es sind durchaus wieder einige schöne Pop Songs enthalten, die man einfach gut hören kann. Die eine tolle Atmosphäre mit sich bringen und so toll klingen das sie heute funktionieren, so wie sie auch vor 10 Jahren funktioniert hätten und sicher auch in 10 Jahren funktionieren.
Die Frage ist nur, ob die Songs die Stärke haben das man sich in 10 Jahren noch daran erinnert.
Denn trotz einiger toller Titel, fehlt mir so der letzte Funken.
Ich vermisse es das ich hier bei keinem Song dachte "Das ist es!".
Songs bei denen man gleich vom ersten hören gepackt ist, die einen mitten ins Herz treffen.
Hier und da war sie mal recht nah dran, bis dann wieder irgendetwas dazwischen kam.
Für mich also kein deutlicher Hit Song darauf auf Anhieb.
Kann natürlich sein das, wie so oft, nach mehrmaligen hören, der ein oder andere Song an Sympathie gewinnt und vielleicht doch noch auf 6 Sterne kommt, trotzdem eine "Love at first listen" ist hier leider nicht.
Neben den äußerst guten Tracks sind allerdings auch einige die zwar gut sind, aber nicht sonderlich prägend und dann auch welche die mich einfach nur nerven.
Fazit ist also: Ein durchaus gutes Pop-Album, das man sich gut anhören kann und auch hier und da recht überzeugt, allerdings nicht das was man sich bei so einem Megahype verspricht. Dazu ist es zu ernüchternd.
Momentan im Schnitt bei mir also 4 Sterne. Kann sich wie gesagt noch etwas wandeln, falls ich es mir öfter anhöre.

...Ready For It? 5*
End Game 5*
I Did Something Bad 3*
Don't Blame Me 4*
Delicate 6*
Look What You Made Me Do 5*
So It Goes... 5*
Gorgeous 6*
Getaway Car 6*
King Of My Heart 5*
Dancing With Our Hands Tied 6*
Dress 4*
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things 4*
Call It What You Want 5*
New Year's Day 4*

Durchschnitt: 4.86 ~ 5*

Laatst gewijzigd: 02/09/2019 20:18

Fabio (auch Fabi GaGa)
Volles Review to come...5*+

*** * ...Ready For It?
*** * End Game
*** ** I Did Something Bad
*** ** Don't Blame Me
*** *** Delicate
*** Look What You Made Me Do
*** ** So It Goes...
*** Gorgeous
*** *** Getaway Car
*** ** King Of My Heart
*** ** Dancing With Our Hands Tied
*** Dress
*** This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
*** Call It What You Want
*** ** New Year's Day

4.13 = 4*

The official sixth studio album and second full-pop album from Taylor Swift, after the acclaimed "1989" album which elevated Taylor to a global pop-star.

Unlike the previous album, "Reputation" is predominantly filled with experimental and dark pop songs instead of traditional poppy ones, this is a risky but known change from other popstars (Rihanna, Gaga, Miley, Madonna, etc), and Taylor does it successfully without vanishing her artistic identity. My only complain here is that the album has too many fillers, whereas i can listen to her other albums without skipping any tracks, regardless, "Reputation" is a well crafted pop album which proves Taylor Swift capacity to reinvent herself as a top-tier pop star.

Highlights: "Delicate", "Getaway Car" (!!)

It was always going to be hard to follow-up a career-defining album that became a pop phenomenon ('1989'), but 'Reputation' does an admirable job. The album is nowhere near as instant, bubblegum or accessible as 'Red' or '1989'. Coiuntry-roots are long gone, as Taylor gets lost in a jungle of heavy bass, electronic beats and vocoder.

At times, the production is a bit much and can make the album difficult to listen to in one hit. The tracks do standalone well though on individual listens.

At the time of writing, highlights include 'Getaway Car', 'Ready For It?', 'Look What You Made Me Do', 'I Did Something Bad' and 'End Game'.

very overrated


I do genuinely enjoy most of Taylor Swift's output and I feel like she has been pushing the boundaries a lot more of late - I mean, the music is still safe somewhat, but she is a bit more experimental in the sounds, vocal inflections and production techniques that she allows into her music. A lot on her sound a bit same ol same ol, but there are some real bangers, my favourite track being Delicate. I find it sad that the reputation. era ended so fast, it's a good album and it should really have staying power. 4.5/6.

Kaahu Niheta Witehira Leef
Well the experimental elements in pop sound its less than what I frankly enjoy on 1989. I was shattered that LWYMMD became a hit. I found out it became one of Tay-Tay's weakest song. Then "Ready For It" was ok but shouldve been more stronger to start off. And then I checked this album out and I felt really disappointed of how the cohesiveness really presented. Her next album "Lover" will be another pop album but if she is going to put out her outstanding results, I will still like her. She needs to bring back her ultimate reputation which I can describe.

there will be no explanation......

For me it's a great fall from grace after the brilliant '1989' but surely even with her creativity it was always going to be hard to keep to such a high standard.
Unlike '1989' I really think it struggles to find any identity and is stuck in this forced generic sound of it's time.
A couple of stand outs in 'Getaway Car' and 'Delicate' but nothing phenomenal unfortunately.
Laatst gewijzigd: 21/11/2021 14:54
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